Hello All,

Welcome to the Africa Study Abroad Blog Page! Haley Tasiemski and Alyssa Jacobs will be posting updates, pictures and project info along the entire duration of the trip. We will be visiting four Southern African countries : South Africa, Botswana, Namibia and Zimbabwe. Most of the trip will be out on safari, getting right out there with the wildlife. It's going to be an amazing trip!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Orange River

Hi Everyone, Our trip has taken us 22 miles down the Orange River in Namibia. Felix Unite River Adventures provided us with canoes and a river guide, so we set off downriver! We camped out one night on the beach, under only the stars, after a hard afternoon of paddling. Dinner was cottage pie in a Dutch oven over a campfire, with Brie and crackers. We definitely are doing this camping thing right! The wildlife is mainly birds, such as African Fish Eagles, African Darters, and numerous heron species. The river winds through a mountain range, so the view was always gorgeous. The river does have a few areas of rapids, of pretty decent size, but with the help of our guide only one pair tipped into the river. Lilja and Jacob bumped a rock on a smaller rapids and got to go for a swim! Everyone came out happy and healthy, just a bit damp. Upon our return to Felix Lodge, we once again set up camp under the stars. We can't quite decide if our group is really just too lazy to put up tents, or if we just enjoy the sky at night! However, we have learned to rise with the sun, which might prove beneficial once we are back home and have re adjusted to the six hour time change. 

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